Tag Archives: Character: Levi Ackerman

Armin is my #1 kindred spirit in AOT

“Except–In this world, my friends tried to be strong..They saved me, the weak. I couldn’t bear that…To the two of them, I was someone to be protected.”

Armin’s been my kindred spirit ever since I first watched Attack on Titan … While I do relate with some of the other characters — like Mikasa in the OVA creating her own imaginary world to reject the cruel reality around her at having lost Eren (until he came back), having gone hungry as a child like Sasha so now I eat too much, and Historia for struggling with my identity, mother issues, father issues, fawning for validation, and rejecting my own name for the longest time — it is overall Armin who resonates with me the most with Robbie @dmrs121923 being my Eren Yeager and Micky @octobernocturne being my Ackerman, whether Levi or Mikasa in this scenario. Armin in English also shares a voice actor with Yuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice, another character with GAD like me (Generalized Anxiety Disorder — I have social phobia on top of that), who is the voice actor I often mimick the voice of, and makes me want to be a voice actor when I feel that old fancy arise … I don’t know what to make of my life. I’m young but growing older, sick but not yet legally disabled, and even though I make progress, I feel held back by the past haunting me, the trauma that made me mentally ill in the first place, still I strive for independence, but some days I can barely get out of bed, not just from mental exhaustion, but the chronic physical fatigue as well ❤️‍🩹 … I barely have spoons these days … That’s a health metaphor, like a health bar, or Link’s Hearts in The Legend of Zelda … And I need to rely on my brothers, especially Micky, to survive and get by in this cruel world … With Robbie finding his safe person, his Mikasa, I am grateful to God that I now have a loving sis-in-law in the sweet Lizzy Rose 🌹 @esaucie too … I will protect and love my little tribe and never, ever take them for granted. But I still cry cos of my own inferiority complex, and always want to be helpful and as useful as possible to my Beloved Ones in any way I’m able. I love you guys!! 🥺❤️‍🩹 We’re Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Levi forever!!