Tag Archives: Series: The Stars Are Out Tonight


Dude inspired Erwin from Attack on Titan. Weirdly enough has almost the same name as a character I made up to be my fictional twin brother in MQ the webcomic, which was Alexander Adrian Amaranth, and this guy’s name is Adrian Alexander Veidt (which is double weird considering I just shared a birthday with Erwin’s voice actor, so was already “twinning” with him). Dude. How? Oh. He was created by Alan Moore. Same guy who made John Constantine, and our vampyre character Leopold Florel already weirdly parallels John. Checks out. Synchronicity and such. Guess we’re all on the same chaos magick creative thought wavelengths … but why? 🤔 I tend to not ponder on these things anymore. I just accept them.

… Oh, and Mikau dude @octobernocturne calls me Nabimandias now, ROFL 🤣

Sha & Amy-Belle / Art Commissions by Alexa

I saw my good friend, Alexa, was open for art commissions on Twitter, and decided to commission her to draw my SI, Sha, and my fictional stepdaughter, Amy-Belle. I’m very happy with them! Alexa has an unique and gorgeous art style, as well as is an absolute doll to work with. =^w^= 💚

(This is actually my first time commissioning someone to do artwork for me, before this has just been art requests and trades, etc.)

Here are the sketches and line art WIP pieces:

And the time lapses of Alexa working on each piece!

Up first is Amy-Belle:

And then there’s Sha:

2016: Lone human

As I wrote on my old art blog /// Instagram:

Joseph, one of the few rare humans in an upcoming Gothic graphic novel series by @octobernocturne. Despite being a bit insecure and selfish at times, Joseph remains one of my favourite characters for putting up with the arrogant vampyre, Leopold, and watching out for Leo’s daughter, Amy.

2016: Vixen and Wolf

I wrote this on my old art blog about these two:

Jodie, a Chinese flying vampyress; and Leopold, a rogue vampyre Lord. An unlikely pair who must work together, despite the lone wolf being vexed by the alluring vixen. 💋 

 From an upcoming Gothic graphic novel series by @octobernocturne.


Hello #artvsartist2021 😘 My names Sha! Short for Alexandria. Tis Russian. I’m not. Well, except for a wee bit, way way wayyy back. 🙃 I’m an aspiring #webcomicartist I mostly draw character designs and romantic couples, cos I’m a girl, and that’s what girls do. 😉 Hopeless romantic, that I am! Anyway I’m a fan and writer of #gothicfiction and #darkfantasy so expect that in my forecast. 👩🏼‍🎨🎨
Oh yes and before I forget – I’m part of art team @tealightstories with Mikau @octobernocturne Robert @timewillcrawl94 and Matthew @villanimatthew – I’m the #artdirector for the record. ‍

(My description was originally written for Instagram – I’m LunarArtist_Alexandria on there, and will edit in proper tags when I go on my laptop laters.)

Happy Friday the 13th

So I drew Leopold with his rapier for deviantART’s Arcade Week, following the art tutorial on line weight – Leopold has his dominant hand uplifted with his rapier closer to the viewer, so I added thicker lines there. {Basically the art tutorial says you go for thicker lines when it’s closer to you, and thinner lines if it’s further away.} If his rapier looks familiar, that’s cos it is – that’s Flambert from Soul Calibur, belonging to Raphael whom Leopold is a homage to. I listened to Sting & The Police while working on this, since Sting is also a visual inspiration for Leopold. ♡

Also – Happy Friday the 13th!, which has always been a lucky day for me and my Bros. :3 ♡

Master of the Dark Arts

This is simply for PaperDemon’s OC-tober prompt: “In a halloween costume”, and cos our OC Leopold and John Constantine are both visually inspired by Sting aside from having some similarities, like they both are skilled in dark magic hence the title, and married to women much younger than themselves.

I drew most of this today while hanging out with Miriam-chan; we get together every Monday to draw and hangout.

I wanted to keep it simple, but added more shadows after Micky’s input that Leopold’s shoulders were small – although he did point out that Leopold is effeminine, and I was using a photo of Matt Ryan, who plays Constantine on TV {and who is a bit small himself tbh} for reference, and his shoulders *were* slouched, so… *shrug*

Now I’m thinking his head and features are a bit big, but oh well. . . this was a quick drawing – most of it is cropped out if I’m honest, since it didn’t look good, heh.

Amy first and latest drawings

I meant to put this together before the recent trend on Twitter where you put together the first and latest drawings of your OC – just happens to be one of those fate things where it works out anyways! ;P

 I’m surprised Amy started off with dark eyes, I always remembered her with green eyes! The first drawing of her was for Mystic Travels, which was later renamed Curse of the Mystic Sword, and the latest drawing of her was for PaperDemon’s art RPG, where I’m roleplaying as Amy in various challenges and exploring worlds. =^.^= 💜


This is Amy, I am entering her in PaperDemon’s art RPG. Here are her stats, and bio:

Character Name: Amy Belle Florel.
Character Age: 13-16 physically.
Character Species:  Vampyress.
Hair colour: Pale rose red.
Eye colour: Emerald green.

Amy was born to Marie and Sebastian Belle, with a twin sister named Emily. Both her parents and Emily died from the flu when she was very young. Amy was then adopted by Leopold Florel, and raised as his own daughter. Sometime in her early teen years, Leopold was infected with vampyrism which he passed onto Amy, forever changing her. Leopold became even more protective of Amy after their transformation; thus, Amy has lived somewhat of a sheltered life. Amy had a mother figure named Doctor Carnation Lily, who adopted Amy after Leopold’s supposed “death” – when Leopold returned from the grave, a strange dynamic and rivalry began between her two adoptive parents; who both loved Amy, and both practiced medicine. Amy appears in several of our graphic novel webcomics, and will be making her debut within the next couple of years. Until then, Amy has begun her own adventure in the PaperDemon universe!


My #bestnine for #bestnine2019, all of which are my artwork this year – as an aspiring professional artist, this makes me pretty happy, yeah. :3 #artof2019

A Rose By Any Other Name …

{Written in 2014}

… Would Smell Just As Sweet.

It is in the soul that our hearts lie. :heart:

This is Leopold, known as Lord Florel in society. He leads a rather solitary life in his mansion away from the townsfolk, where he resides with his daughter, and two menservants. In spite of his cold, isolated nature, Leopold has an intricately hidden ideal of true love for a soul mate, which stems from a deep secret he has kept within his heart for years. He has a strong belief that the heart and soul are far more important than the physical, to the point it bares an almost obsessive nature in him.

Leopold is in our first story, and was created the Autumn of 2006; prior to us tying three separate tales together into one series. Aahh, I still remember those first days of playing in the yard, and coming up with tales of the occult with Samhain close at hand! Each of our stories have a strong Gothic-Dark Fantasy element to them.

Lord Florel is a personal favourite among my art team, and strangely enough, this has led to hours worth of debate over his history, and interactions with other characters. ^^; In the end, however, it would seem Leopold has helped to write himself! He is an extraordinarily strong-willed man, after all! ;P

Interesting tidbit – Micky recently read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde for the first time over Christmas, and he said that he couldn’t help imagining Leopold in the role of Dorian. I’ll have to read it myself soon. I have seen artistic interpretations of Dorian, and he does resemble Leopold quite a bit. =)

Amy and Leopold

{Written December, 2013}

Le Jour De Père Heureux!♡

This is Amy, and her father Léopold. They are both in the story we’re currently writing, and should be published by next Autumn. . . For real, as I know we’ve said it so many times before. ^^;

So, the sketch for this was done upon Father’s Day, and I wrote a short story to go along with it, however, it isn’t posted because of a couple spoilers contained within the story. :giggle:

My Mom read the short story, and she really liked it. :blush: That made me happy, because I’m actually very shy and insecure about sharing my writings . . . I prefer to write with my siblings, and close friend, really. :aww:

I only recently coloured this, and followed an old tutorial by an artist I admire . . . It was very nice to be able to try another method, and I find this way, I colour more quickly, which is very good for character illustrations, and pages, as my more-usual style of painting takes forever. ^^;

So I’m glad for this method. :)

Violet – Spirit

Pride 8 - Violet - Spirit
This is for PaperDemon’s Pride Flag colour challenge; the eighth prompt is, “Violet / Spirit”. I wasn’t sure what to draw, until OctoberNocturne said I should draw Amy for violet! So this is dedicated to Mikau dude, who says he’s in love when I sent this to him! =^^= 💜