Karasu – Bishounen Killer?

I did a thing. ^.^ ♡

Inspired by Tuxedo Unmasked’s post. I’ve read this trivia before, but didn’t realise it was the Karasu guy at the time. ^^;

I wrote, “Some fans say Karasu is inspired by that guy, aka “bishounen killer”, since Togashi did say that Hiei was inspired by Skunky in it. Maybe. Probably. Both gay af in any case, LOL 🌈”

I added in an adorable fan art of Bancoran and Maraich by “miake (mkasmssm)”, as I believe the couple bears a resemblance to Karasu and myself as a blonde (I was blonde when we got together in my imaginary world and dreams). I was also agender at the time (from 2016-2020, then female again, and identified for some time as a lesbian/homoflexible, before deciding I don’t care), so we were/are a queer couple, too. 🖤🤍

(I think Karasu’s variant, as I call him, Lucifard from Kill The Crows Of Three Thousand Worlds is also likely inspired by Bancoran, as he has to hide his eyes behind sunglasses to prevent people from falling in love with him, which is similar to the “bishounen killer”: “Major Jack Barbarossa Bancoran of the British MI6, nicknamed “Bishōnen Killer” for his ability to seduce young men with just his eyes.”)

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