Tag Archives: Animal: Poodle

The Relaxing Practice of Drawing – Art Class

Drawings for @drawnontheway art class on Zoom today!

The sloth 🦥 was an ’emotional drawing’, as in I was free to choose something in my surroundings that has personal value for me; Micky @octobernocturne got us this sloth, and another one too, for Christmas, like shared gifts. 🎁

The poodle 🐩 was a ‘blind contour drawing’, which meant I had to not look at what I was drawing, so as to silent my ‘inner critic’. 🤔💭 (I felt insecure doing this exercise, tbh.)

Last slide is a selfie of me with one of my prints of my art on the wall behind me. 🐱

Like me, the art teacher is a self-taught artist, so that was very inspiring! ^.^ 💕