Tag Archives: Series: I'm the Villainess So I'm Taming the Final Boss

Our everyday dynamic♡ (Karasu and me represented by Claude and Aileen)

me and Karasu again … this is totally our everyday dynamic lol ♡

Variants of Karasu and me♡ (Claude and Aileen)

Thank you to my fren, Alexa, for introducing me to this lookalike of Karasu and me (when I was blonde, which is when I fell for the Crow five years ago) – I’m hereby now claiming them as variants of us, LOL! :3

Also, we’re ‘switches’, and when I have Karasu chained to me, he calls me Mistress and acts like a dog, while I call him Lucky after my favourite puppy villager in Animal Crossing. >:3 ♡

(on the reverse, I act like a kitten – HIS Kitten … although, I kinda just act like a cat in my everyday life, LOL … hence my nicknames Nabi, Allie Cat, and even Sha is pronounced like the French word for ‘cat’ being ‘chat’ :3)