Tag Archives: Character: D

Q&A with Kyle Hebert (revisited)

Originally posted August 7th, 2019: I asked Karasu’s English voice actor, Kyle Hebert, this question on his AMA on Reddit;
“Hi Kyle!
I am a big Karasu fan, and I’d like to know how did you get into the mindset of Karasu when you were playing him? Karasu’s an incredibly intense character, so what were your inspirations when voicing him?
With love, Sha.”
And got his response; “When we go in to record, we know nothing about the script or episode ahead of time. We rely on the director to catch up and give us context. In the case of Karasu, Justin Cook directed me, and as a huge Yu Yu fan, he was able to dial me in to that character quite easily. I loved getting to play him, seeing as I was fortunate enough to be cold cast (as in, no audition needed). I was super flattered that they thought of me. I didn’t have any particular inspirations. Visually he reminded me of Vampire Hunter D and his demeanor is similar. Very calm but very dangerous.”
Now that my spirit/thoughtform SO’s been compared to Vampire Hunter D, I suppose I’ll have to watch it! 💜 I composed the Q&A with my favourite page from the manga featuring my spirit husband x 😻💜
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{Update February 24th, 2023: I watched Vampire Hunter D. I can see why Kyle said that. Also, I’m totally the young girl desperately throwing herself at D aka my imaginary SO Karasu, LOL! 😹}