{video share} This is What the Devil Looks Like

I feel like this I needed to see, like I feel like God is talking through you, as it relates a lot to what my Pastor was talking about the last Sunday, and what we were talking about in Bible study last night … how saying “I’m so irredeemable that even God can’t save me” is a twisted form of pride or vanity, I forget how he put it, but it says you don’t believe God is strong enough, when God is in fact strong enough. And how my Pastor talked about you could fall so deep into a pit, and a compassionate friend could put aside everything and risk it all to help you, but … then there’s two people in the pit … and no way to climb up and out of it … cos only the Hand of God could reach that immeasurable amount to save us – both of those friends in the pit. Amen. 🙏🏻

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