This reminds me of a recent microdream

These two look like me and Commander Erwin in a recent microdream I had of us getting married in an AU future that was supposed to be set in 2027. 😯

Karasu-chan, our Crow Goblins, and our helpers (Steven aka Android 17 and Kurama) were there. My groom Erwin was asking about my first husband Karasu, who crossed his arms nonchalantly while pretending to look interested up at the trees as if he didn’t notice us talking about him. I said Karasu was over me I think, and mostly just following our helper, Kurama, around all the time while trying his old tricks to make me jealous by saying he met a hot nurse through his doctor, which everyone knew wasn’t true, as the Crow likes to tell tall tales. Sigh. 🤷🏻‍♀️

We were getting married on a pleasant, cool sunny day with clouds in the sky, in my dream apple orchard surrounded by my various flower gardens. Erwin didn’t have his suit jacket on, and had on a white button-up shirt and tie instead of this outfit, and I didn’t wear a veil, but did wear a simple Summer dress, however, we did look like this pair for the most part. 🤵🏼‍♂️💐👰🏻

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